The Grove Theater

The Grove Theater in Oak Ridge holds a rich history of memories for many in the East Tennessee area. Constructed during the Manhattan Project & recently rennovated, the theater is home to numerous Arts & Sciences organizations. It is currently owned and operated by High Places Community Church.

About High Places

"Where there is no vision the people perish."

Proverbs 29:18

High Places Community Church was officially formed in March 1990 with a vision for ministries that were fundamentally "principle-centered" and free.  Purposefully low key, the church has slowly grown in a steady and deliberate way.

High Places people come from many places and backgrounds. As a non-denominational church we are not directly affiliated with any particular denomination, though we are free and open to associate with any and all who wish to do so.

After beginning in a home setting the church has since met in a variety of places, including the Oak Ridge Civic Center, British Woods' clubhouse, the YWCA, and a former shopping center on Ogden Lane.  In 2004, The Historic Grove Theater  was purchased by the church for the purpose of meeting both church and community space needs.

With a history that is rooted in community-oriented youth ministry, we are highly committed to both youth and children's ministries and we invest heavily in both.  Our adult ministries are formed around a commitment to encourage healthy adults and families. We are also blessed to have those who in their golden years are young at heart and bring much wisdom and balance to the church.


Our Common Ground

Diversity is a fact of life that we celebrate. It makes life interesting. Unity in diversity allows for wonderful growth and harmony, which is what we strive for in High Places.

Our most common ground begins with the understanding that we're all on a journey and that people are at different places in their life experience. 

We recognize that both encouragement and support are among the greatest gifts one can receive along the way, and believe that the church should be among the best places to find each.

We believe that a commitment to the following two highest values given by Jesus places each of us in the best of hands and in the best  position to learn, love and serve others as we travel this life together:


Our Highest Values

We aim to love and value God (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) above all, as we believe that there is none greater or more worthy of our love, honor & highest respect.

We aim to love and value our neighbor as we love and value ourselves, believing that God has made each person with special and unique gifts and talents for purposes greater than ourselves.


All mission, vision, theology, and ministry flows from these two highest values.